ignoring keywords on func. call

Peter Otten __peter__ at web.de
Wed Apr 6 12:34:13 EDT 2005

Brano Zarnovican wrote:

> But it still doesn't guarantee that __getitem__ accepts keywords.
> (What if somebody will extend the Tree class and overlook the
> definition of __getitem__ and define a "classic" one)

I deem it more likely that that same somebody will not overlook it and dump
your Tree class altogether for not adhering to a sensible convention. Why
don't you just introduce a getitem_ex(self, key, all the options you like)
method and define __getitem__() in terms of that method? E. g.

def getitem_ex(self, key, some_option=None):
    # ...

def __getitem__(self, key):
    return self.getitem_ex(key, some_option=True)

Your docs could then recommend to override getitem_ex() instead of
__getitem__() and you and somebody would live happily ever after (*).


(*) or at least without calling each other names right from the start.

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