IOError 11 CGI module

Anton Jansen gradius at
Fri Apr 15 10:02:31 EDT 2005

Hi list,

I have troubles with some python scripts I use as cgi scripts with 
thttpd. At irregular intervals when a post is made an IOError is raised 
by the CGI module. My question is how and why does this happen?

The exception looks like this:

Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "teamadmin.cgi", line 11, in ?
   File "/wing6/home/jury/iudex/nederlands/lib/", line 24, 
in makeform
     form = _extractflat( cgi.FieldStorage() )
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 517, in __init__
   File "/usr/lib/python2.3/", line 622, in read_urlencoded
     qs =
IOError: [Errno 11] Resource temporarily unavailable

The code:

import sys
import time
import traceback
import cgi
import MySQLdb
from iudex_tags import *

form = None

def _extractflat( fields ):
   form = {}
   for i in fields.value:
     if not form.has_key( ):
       form[] = []
     if i.filename:
       form[].append( ( i.filename, i.value ) )
       form[].append( i.value )
   return form

def makeform():
   global form
   form = _extractflat( cgi.FieldStorage() )


With kind regards,

Anton Jansen

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