(PHP or Python) Developing something like www.tribe.net

Michele Simionato michele.simionato at gmail.com
Tue Apr 26 04:17:12 EDT 2005

Mir Nazim:

> IMHO Zope3/Quixote seem to be the obvious choice here. > Though
> functionality is not available on them but i think time
> spent now will
> be gained by gains in better design and maintainable  code base.

Well, you are comparing two frameworks that are just
completely different. I suggest you to start evaluating
Quixote first, since it is much simpler to grasp,
and you can decide in a couple of days if it is the
platform you want to program in or not. Zope 3 is a
somewhat risky platform (i.e. you cannot leverage on
the existing Zope 2 applications and not many developers
are familiar with Zope 3 yet). Quixote too has a small
number of developers, but at least it is easy and you
don't need much help to work with it.

                 Michele Simionato

                 Michele Simionato

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