new to mac OS10

Maurice LING mauriceling at
Sun Apr 17 03:42:30 EDT 2005

Robert Kern wrote:

>> 3. Apple-installed Python's command line tools are symlinked from 
>> /usr/bin to /System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework but the OSX 
>> installer for Python 2.4.1 places the commandline tools in 
>> /usr/local/bin and symlinked to /Library/Frameworks/Python.framework. 
>> So it seems to me that Python 2.4.1 (installed using OSX installer for 
>> Python 2.4.1) is not a precise replacement of Apple-installed Python...
> Bingo. It's not intended to be one.

Hi Robert,

Once I've tried to install Python 2.4.1 through the installer Bob 
Ippolito built. I've already for Fink installed Python 2.3.5 in my 
system. So,

/usr/bin/python -> /sw/bin/python

and the newly installed Python 2.4.1 created /usr/local/bin/python -> 

Does /usr/bin/python takes precedence over /usr/local/bin/python?

Somehow it rings an alarm in me...


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