Zope, M2Crypto, and Gentoo

jsmilan at tiny.net jsmilan at tiny.net
Tue Sep 28 23:00:41 EDT 2004


Thanks for your comments.  Maybe I should elaborate a bit more.

This project that I'm doing is a very small one.  One objective is to 
teach myself object oriented programming in the simplest environment 
possible.  If I am successful, I hope to have a standalone application 
that can be bundled up for Windows, Linux, and hopefully Mac OSX.  
However, I'll be happy if I can just get everything to work.  :)

The project itself is an admin tool for gameservers.  Very simple
requirements; read in a text configuration file, provide a Web interface
to edit it line by line with some integrity checking on variable names,
and write the text file back out.  Nothing exciting at all.

That means a very small number of users, only one user accessing a given 
file at a time, etc.  LDAP is really overkill, as is another Webserver.  
Heck, I wouldn't even be looking at m2crypto if it weren't for the fact 
I want this tool to manage remote servers.

As it stands now, I haven't tried anything with it.  I think my next step 
is to contact the guy who maintains m2crypto, describe my situation, and 
ask him if he has any thoughts.

Thanks again.


Josef Meile <jmeile at hotmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Jim,

>jsmilan at tiny.net wrote:
>> I answered John by email before I saw his response here.  (Thanks, John!)  
>> Basically, I'm not opposed to taking that approach as a last resort.  
>> However, doing so would mean giving up the automatic upate process for
>> Gentoo.  Does anyone else have any ideas?
>I also like the emerge facility of Gentoo, but I think that things like 
>a webserver (and problably some dependencies) should be installed from 
>source. After all, you don't know what modules are included on the 
>python binary of gentoo. For example, it will be hard to add ldap 
>support for python/zope, since ldap may require some special flags that 
>aren't included on the binary installation.

>The other problem is that with the binaries the files will be stored on 
>different locations. I personaly preffer to compile the software I use 
>on /usr/local/mySoftName. By doing this, you now where your binaries and 
>config files are.

>Finally, I don't know if the python installed by gentoo, is the same one 
>as the one installed when emerging zope. This could be also an issue, 
>since you can have to different pythons on your system, but only one 
>will have m2crypto support.

>The other thing is that I don't know if the m2crypto version that you 
>mentioned (0.13) have the latest ZServerssl for zope 2.7. That's other 
>reason why your install is failing: you are installing ZServerssl for 
>zope 2.6.

>If you still want to proceed with the binaries, then you have to look 
>for the locations of your python, zope, and m2Crypto with the qpkg 
>command of gentoo (this command isn't normally installed with gentoo, I 
>don't remmember which ebuild you will have to install). ie:

>% qpkg -l python | more

>first I adviced you to watch the init script of zope and see which 
>python is used. Then call the python console and try to see if m2crypto 
>is installed there:

>% /your/python/path/python
> >>> import M2Crypto

>If you don't see any error, then you are lucky and it means that the 
>python used by your zope has M2Crypto installed. If you see an error, 
>then you will have to manually install m2crypto as indicated by John.

>Unfortunatelly I think you will have to manually install ZServerssl for 
>zope 2.7 as indicated by John because m2crypto does not do this.


Jim Smilanich jsmilan at visi.com
"A man should be able to pilot a starship, plan an invasion, diaper
a baby, ....specialization is  for insects!"  --  Lazarus Long

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