Announcing PyCs, a new Python-like language on .Net

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Fri Sep 3 02:11:36 EDT 2004

Mark Hahn <mark at> wrote:
> >> It turns out that I missed a sourceforge project called PyCs so we will be
> >> changing our name soon.  Our current best guess is Pyxc pronounced Pixie.
> > 
> >
> > 
> > Best to avoid homonyms too, I think.  Try again.
> I see no problem with homonyms, unless it was another computer language.

I do, because often people speak about technologies in contexts that
doesn't make it clear at all whether one is speaking about a computer
language or some other kind of technology.

I applaud your efforts (differently from many around here who seem to
sneer at them), even though I'm not going to get involved (no version of
dotNet's CLR runs on the Mac, I believe, so I'm not very interested in
anything that requires the CLR).  But I do believe you CAN do much
better than this in terms of naming.

Personally, I would suggest giving up on 'py' being part of the language
name.   I would start with some cool, easily recognizable monosyllable,
such as quark, cool, cold, dark, hot, damp, dry, fool, wise, &c -- then
alter it minimally until the result gets 0 google hits (quarky, ecool,
kold, darc -- you get the idea of the kind of alterations I have in
mind).  Then grab the domain and go on from there.  You can always
retrofit an acronym onto a cool name if that's your game, after all.


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