batch pretty (color) print of python code?

Fernando Perez fperez528 at
Mon Sep 27 18:22:01 EDT 2004

Humpdydum wrote:

> Any freeware/open-source that does that? Windows- OR Linux-based is fine. On
> Linux it would be s/t like "pyprint -r *.py >" where -r indicates
> recursive. Done a search on google and nothing solid comes up. So far I've
> been using Boa's print feature, which means one file at a time, tedious.
> Thanks,
> Oliver

You said linux was OK.  A simple enscript alias works wonders:

planck[python]> which codeprint
codeprint:       ein Alias fur enscript  -G2rjE --color  !*
planck[python]> which codeps
codeps:          ein Alias fur enscript  -G2rjE --color -o !*.ps !*; gv !*.ps

That's what I use for all kinds of source, it does a pretty decent job with
python (and knows about C, C++, perl,...)



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