python is going to die! =(

Chris S. chrisks at
Sun Sep 19 19:50:54 EDT 2004

Simon John wrote:
> Don't feed the troll.
> If he needs an IDE, then he is not a programmer, he's a code monkey,
> just like Java guys - they're a dime a dozen as they can't code, they
> rely on the auto-completion and drag'n'drop of visual IDEs.

That's a little unfair (and trollish) of IDE users. Microsoft doesn't 
spend millions developing it's IDEs just for fun. IBM doesn't support 
projects like Eclipse because they want more "stupid untalented code 
monkeys". An IDE can be invaluable in a large project. The near default 
availability of simplistic IDEs like IDLE and Pythonwin is be proof 
enough of their inherent value.

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