python is going to die! =(

CarlosRivera CarlosRivera at
Thu Sep 23 03:02:02 EDT 2004

I got F'ing annoyed when I had to use VB because it forced one to write 
a GUI.  I just wanted to write a simple program that would send output 
to stdout.  I had to create a list box and append each line.  Of course, 
I could not pipe the output of that program into another program.  Screw 
GUI programs!  Just kidding.  I don't like to be forced to do either. 
It nice to be able to do whatever one needs.  If I had to write a GUI 
program with python, I am not sure what I would use.  I am not asking 
which to use.  I am just making a comment.

Wilk wrote:
> Don't forget that there is a lot of developers who don't need any gui,
> or need a very specific gui. But every developers need python the
> langage and the standard lib...

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