unittest.py patch: add skipped test functionality

Remy Blank remy.blank_asps at pobox.com
Fri Sep 24 05:08:44 EDT 2004

Ok, here we go.

I added the possibility for tests using the unittest.py framework
to be skipped. Basically, I added two methods to TestCase:

  TestCase.skip(msg): skips unconditionally
  TestCase.skipIf(expr, msg): skips if expr is true

These can be called either in setUp() or in the test methods. I also
added reporting of skipped tests to TestResult, _TextTestResult and
TextTestRunner. If no tests are skipped, everything should be the
same as before.

I am using Python 2.3.3, so the changes are against the file in that
version. I attached the patch against the original
(unittest_skip.patch), a complete test suite for the new functionality
(testSkippedTest.py) and a usage example (SkippedTestDemo.py).

I would welcome any feedback about the idea, the implementation,
suggestions for improvements, fixes, etc.

I would also like to know if this would be a candidate for inclusion
into the unittest.py provided with Python. I suppose I should
contact Steve Purcell directly for that.

-- Remy

Quick usage example:

class ReadShadowTest(unittest.TestCase):
        """Read access to /etc/shadow"""
        def testReadingAsRoot(self):
                """Reading /etc/shadow as root"""
                self.skipIf(os.geteuid() != 0, "Must be root")

The attached example (SkippedTestDemo.py) produces the following output:

$ ./SkippedTestDemo.py -v
Access to autoexec.bat ... SKIPPED (Only available on Windows)
Access to config.sys ... SKIPPED (Only available on Windows)
Reading /etc/shadow as root ... SKIPPED (Must be root)
Reading /etc/shadow as non-root ... ok

Ran 4 tests in 0.004s

OK (skipped=3)
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