Python as alternative to Visual Basic

Alex Martelli aleaxit at
Mon Sep 20 15:22:47 EDT 2004

Aaron Ginn <aaron.ginn at> wrote:
> The software package I'm developing will make calls to Excel and Access
> and requires a very usable GUI for users who are not particularly 
> computer literate.  My first question is: what is the best choice for a
> GUI toolkit on Windows?

If you can afford the Qt+PyQt license (cheapest if you buy BlackAdder,
actually), as you seem to indicate by mentioning you're considering it,
that would be my choice.  Many swear by wxWidgets+wxPython, though,
which has the advantage of not requiring you to pay for a license.

> Basically, I'm trying to make a case for Python to the other developers
> of this software package as I believe it offers numerous advantages over
> VB in terms of speed of development, a quick learning curve, and 
> maintainability.  Can anyone help me make that case?

Not unless you first clarify whether you mean classic VB (VB.6) or VB.7
(aka VB.NET), since they're pretty different despite some superficial
syntax similarities.  Actually this may be part of the case you want to
make: if you choose a proprietary language you're getting, bound hands
and feet, in the clutches of that language's owner.  If they decide to
make the transition between release 6 and 7 a revolution that wipes out
your existing know-how and breaks your existing code, tough luck.
Choose an open-source language that's careful about backwards
compatibility issues, such as Python, and you're hedging against that.

Second, the choice between a language which is designed never to run
anywhere else, and one that IS cross-platform.  Sure, today you're
targeting Windows exclusively.  Say that tomorrow the Thai government,
or a large bank, whatever, falls in love with your app, but they use
Linux exclusively.  Can you grasp the hundred millions that hover so
tantalizingly close to your clutches...?  If you chose VB, probably not.
If you chose Python, probably yes.  Why curtail your future options?

Then we can get into issues of more interest to developers, but these
are great to use with any manager or investor type;-).


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