Don't let your babies grow up to be programmers (was: up with PyGUI!)

Cameron Laird claird at
Thu Sep 23 10:08:11 EDT 2004

In article <mailman.3701.1095836355.5135.python-list at>,
Cliff Wells  <clifford.wells at> wrote:
		[long lament about
		loss of good life
		for US programmers]
>This may be so.  Of course I expect the U.S. job market for software
>development will be gone by then (or simply seen as a good first job for
>students before they can get a better job at Walmart). 
>> I also expect increasing numbers of US knowledge/information 
>> workers with portable skills to take advantage of the distortions while 
>> they last.
>Well, I've certainly considered other lines of work, if that's what you
It's worse than that, Cliff:  there's serious reason to fear
that non-price factors might soon work *against* us in the US,
almost as much as they have for us in the past.  I see this
running along a couple of lines:
*) "security"-related and DRM-IP-enforcing 
   export restrictions directly interfere
   with our ability to deliver internation-
   ally; and
*) MS hasn't been alone in habituating 
   international customers to associate US
   software with expense and unreliability.

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