up with PyGUI!

JanC usenet_spam at janc.invalid
Sun Sep 19 19:32:41 EDT 2004

Alex Martelli schreef:

> The quarrel 'du jour' against Apple,
> to give another example, is about the fact that iTunes song downloads
> cost 20% more in the UK than Germany or France, and the latter two
> countries won't even let you buy unless you can give a French/German
> address and credit card (in Italy you can't buy from any of these
> stores... unless you're lucky enough to have an address and credit card
> in the appropriate country...).  This is arguably against Europe's
> single-market laws, and since we're talking about downloads over the net
> the "logistics" argument is laid bare for the feeble excuse it is.
> Indeed Apple's response that I've seen is not about trying to argue that
> it costs more to push bits to London than to Paris, but rather that
> iTunes song prices should be compared, not with the prices of the same
> song in different countries, but rather with the prices of other songs
> from competitors in the same country.  In other words, Apple is charging
> all the market will bear, segmenting markets ruthlessly to do so, even
> when they have to break laws in order to scrounge extra profits that
> way.  I think it's quite a myopic attitude, eroding any goodwill from
> people who LIKE their products and turning it into rage and loathing.

This is probably not only Apple's fault.  Most local music distribution 
rights are owned by different, local companies that don't want to lose 
their possible income/power, so online music stores like Apple often have 
to make separate agreements per country...


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