Xah Lee's Unixism

jmfbahciv at aol.com jmfbahciv at aol.com
Sun Sep 12 07:51:17 EDT 2004

In article <4141c830$0$65574$a1866201 at newsreader.visi.com>,
   Grant Edwards <grante at visi.com> wrote:
>On 2004-09-10, Alan Balmer <albalmer at att.net> wrote:
>>>It's been revealed that here in British Columbia (that part of
>>>Canada on the Pacific coast for those of you who are geographically
>>>challenged), management of medical information has been farmed out
>>>to a subsidiary of a U.S. corporation.  According to the Patriot Act,
>>>the U.S. government is entitled to access these files, and anyone -
>>>American or Canadian - who so much as mentions that they're doing it
>>>can be thrown into a U.S. jail.
>> Can you point to the relevant section(s) of the Act?
>> Can you point to the international agreement which allows Canadian
>> citizens to be thrown into US jails for the stated offense?
>I know I shouldn't reply to threads like this, but I just can't
>help it...
>What makes you think that the current US government gives a
>shit about international agreements?  Bush thinks he's entitled
>to declare anybody and everybody an "enemy combatant" and lock
>them up in secret forever.  

Would rather he do like Italy?  They are letting them go.
Then these released people go blow up something else.


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