So I guess PyUI is long abandonded? What else is there?

Martin Maney maney at
Sat Sep 18 18:07:14 EDT 2004

On Sat, Sep 18, 2004 at 06:01:13PM -0300, Carlos Ribeiro wrote: 
> I've checked PyUI right now, and it seems that there is a release
> numbered "1.0" - which is a sign that it must have reached a somewhat
> stable stage. The win32 ZIP file that I've downloaded does not
> contain any windows specific dll, pyd or exe file, but only pure
> Python code.

Yes, as an already-installed tree with the files compiled - well, that
explains the 1.0.Py2-2 versioning in the name.

Anyway, I've found the problem buried in a feature request at the
project's sourceforge site.  In his own words:

  The OpenGL renderer on 0.95 depends on WGL which is available only on
  Windows implementations. Support for other platforms such as Mac and
  Linux would be nice.

Since the project description claims it, yeah, that sure would be nice. 
This perfectly explains the errors I've been seeing.  Thanks, Carlos,
you stirred me to dig deeper and put the nail in it - it's another case
of "Microsoft compatibility" leading another poor fool astray.

This truly does help.  Now I can stop wondering whether it was
something I was doing wrong and walk away from this waste of time. 
Would some god-like person with access please make a note of this on
the uneditable PyUi page on the wiki?  Then there'd be at least a
chance others could avoid wasting their time.


Microsoft, which used to say all the time that the software business
was ruthlessly competitive, is now matched against a competitor whose
model of production and distribution is so much better that Microsoft
stands no chance of prevailing in the long run. They're simply trying
to scare people out of dealing with a competitor they can't buy,
can't intimidate and can't stop. -- Eben Moglen

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