Python vs PHP

Roy Smith roy at
Sat Oct 23 23:24:07 EDT 2004

Tim Roberts <timr at> wrote:
> The biggest difference, in my view, is the global archive of sample code.
> There are many, many sites with sample PHP pages, snippets, and modules.
> However, they are almost universally bad.  Monolithic code, no modularity,
> no structure, no separation of presentation and processing.  No one seems
> to use classes.

I've seen plenty of code which meets your description in all sorts of 
languages; C++, Java, Perl, you name it (even Python).  The classic 
aphorism is "You can write Fortran in any language", but that's probably 
an unfair jab at Fortran, since it's certainly as possible to write good 
code in Fortran as it is to write bad code in other languages.

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