Reading XML like Python!

John johng2001 at
Mon Oct 25 04:01:34 EDT 2004

> I had the same problem recently.  I used the standard xml.dom.minidom 
> module to parse the XML, and about a page of Python code to pretty-print 
> it.  Unfortunately, I'm not able to release the code, but if you're 
> familiar with how DOM works, you should be able to replicate it in under 
> an hour.  If you're not familiar with DOM, it'll take you longer, but 
> it'll also give you a chance to get familiar :-)
> Have you tried DAGS for "xml pretty-print"?

I suppose I could write a simple parser myself but I was wondering if
this was a problem well solved by someone else already with all the
bells and whistles.

What is DAGS? A Google search came up with "Directed Acyclic Graphs".
Not being a CS guy, I am not sure about the relationship to pretty
printing. Any link?


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