New to Python: Features

Richard Blackwood richardblackwood at
Tue Oct 5 00:32:38 EDT 2004

Grant Edwards wrote:

>On 2004-10-05, Richard Blackwood <richardblackwood at> wrote:
>>>>>>Hi, I'm new to Python and I'd like to know if Python has the following 
>>>>>>support: *please answer to each individually, thanks*
>>>>>Wow. Rude much?
>>>>What does "Rude much" mean?
>>>You've _got_ to be kidding...
>>I don't think that that is proper english.
>Oh. My. Gaawwwd!
>Which one, the "Rude much?" crack or the "You've got to be
>kidding..." crack?  The latter isn't all that improper
>(especially not for Usenet).  The former is colloqial US
>English.  More specifically it's "Valley Speak" -- made popular
>outside "The Valley" by movies like "Valley Girl", "Mall Rats",
>"Heathers", and just about any John Hughes movie (especially
>Sixteen Candles).  The first two are crap, but "Heathers" is a
>good movie, and I still like "Sixteen Candles".
>>Anyhow, I wasn't trying to muster up anything or annoy anyone.
>>My sincere apologies to all who were offended.
>Apology accepted on the condition that you read
>how-to-ask-smart-questions, and go browse around
> for 15 minutes.
I'll browse around for a few hours instead of throwing in the 
"how-to-ask-smart-questions" part.  ;-)

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