What is Python's answer to Perl 6?

Reinhold Birkenfeld reinhold-birkenfeld-nospam at wolke7.net
Sat Oct 30 16:11:02 EDT 2004

Max M wrote:
> Michael Hoffman wrote:
>> I'll believe the performance benefits when I see them. The Parrot people 
>> promised they would be faster by OSCON 2004 or Guido would get to pie 
>> Dan Sugalski in the face. If you don't already know what happened, you 
>> can see a picture here:
> I just wonder what the difference is between .net, Mono and Parrot?
> To me they all seem to pretty similar goals.

.NET and Mono _are_ pretty much the same - Mono is an open-source
reimplementation of the .NET framework.


[Windows ist wie] die Bahn: Man muss sich um nichts kuemmern, zahlt fuer
jede Kleinigkeit einen Aufpreis, der Service ist mies, Fremde koennen
jederzeit einsteigen, es ist unflexibel und zu allen anderen Verkehrs-
mitteln inkompatibel.               -- Florian Diesch in dcoulm

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