documentation for PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords

Pierre Barbier de Reuille pierre.barbier at
Tue Nov 30 05:15:02 EST 2004

Steven Bethard a écrit :
> I'm just starting to play around with the Python source.  (Specifically, 
> I'm looking at adding a key argument to max/min like sorted has.)  Can 
> anyone direct me to the documentation on how 
> PyArg_ParseTupleAndKeywords, etc. work?  In particular, I can't figure 
> out how the format arg to vgetargskeywords should be specified...
> Thanks,
> Steve

You have a good documentation about that on the web site ... look at 
"Python/C API" and "Extending and Embedding". The second one is more a 
tutorial when the first one is more a reference. But everything is 
explained there !


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