Zope 3.0, and why I won't use it

Ian Bicking ianb at colorstudy.com
Tue Nov 16 14:00:52 EST 2004

Josiah Carlson wrote:
>>Since the actual need for type-checking is extremely rare, I contend it
>>should not _at all_ be a candidate for a syntax to facilitate it.  Since
>>the actual need for adaptation is much wider, I contend it's the one
>>obvious choice for the "nice syntax" if any.
> Sounds reasonable, but there will be a group of people who will beg and
> plead for type checking, because they want "static type checking on
> function call and return".

Yes, but they've been begging for it for years.  They seem insistant 
that this Python Thing will never catch on without these important features.

Anyway, a much more general and useful feature would be contracts. 
Which is just to say, a formal place to put constraints on input and 
output for a function.  Contracts could include type checking -- 
sometimes quite validly -- but not necessarily.  There's no type that 
can indicate "only valid username strings" or "only integers contrained 
by some global variable".

> @ multi_dispatch_to_methods
> class A(object):
>   dispatch = dispatch_factory()
>   @ dispatch(int)
>   def foo(x): ...
>   @ dispatch(float)
>   def foo(x): ...
> It may have a couple warts, but it is implementable today.

Phillip Eby just did this, in like the last week.  It's very cool:


It looks similar to what you were thinking:

class A(object):
     def foo(x):
         """This is a dummy function, for documentation purposes"""

     def foo(x): ...

     def foo(x): ...

Of course, you can use interfaces in addition to types, and you can also 
use arbitrary expressions (e.g., @foo.when("x % 2") and @foo.when("not x 
% 2") to dispatch odd and even numbers separately).

Ian Bicking  /  ianb at colorstudy.com  /  http://blog.ianbicking.org

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