I don't quite get this "string".find()

Grant Edwards grante at visi.com
Thu Nov 11 16:07:22 EST 2004

On 2004-11-12, Caleb Hattingh <caleb1 at telkomsa.net> wrote:

> Err...discrete math was never my strong point :) Still,
> matching 'emptiness' to non-emptiness is what conceptually
> raises the problem for me.  I am not convinced that because
> there are only 'so many places' to fit, one is restricted to a
> finite number of possibilities - simply because what we are
> trying fit is 'nothing'.

Ah, but the question wasn't how many empty strings would fit,
but at how many places you could "find" one.  :)

If you have three pins, then there are only three pinheads on
which you can find a dancing angel -- regardless of how many
angles can dance on the head of a pin (assuming it's not zero).

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  I smell a RANCID
                                  at               CORN DOG!

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