How come wxPython isn't in the standard library?

Greg Steffensen greg.steffensen at
Sun Nov 7 15:07:50 EST 2004

wxPython and Tkinter are more portable than PyQT and PyGTK.  Moreover,
wxPython is not just another toolkit... its a set of bindings to a very
active toolkit that also has bindings for C++, Java, Javascript, Perl,
Ruby, Basic, Haskell, .NET and Eiffel, among others.  wxWidgets is
already something of an open-source standard, independent of Python's
relationship.  If wxPython were included in the standard library, it
would become easier for developers to port code from those languages to
Python.  And because wxWidgets is such a large project, Python would be
able to benefit from its progress, providing regular language
improvements with little effort from the Python devs.

As for the size issue, the fact that including wxPython would triple
the size of the size of the standard disto says more about the current
state of the standard distro than it does about wxPython.  If the
Python devs intend to keep the standard distribution at less than 10 mb
forever, then I think world-domination is impossible.  The universal
availability of a modern, portable gui toolkit is a major feature that
languages can provide, and if Python decides to reject this, then it
will lose popularity to other languages that don't.  Assuming that
language penetration is a major motivator for the devs, I think that
wxPython inclusion really is something that we need to start

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