using the bsddb from Python (missing docs!)

vincent wehren vincent at
Fri Nov 19 02:24:43 EST 2004

Michele Simionato wrote:
> I was browsing through the source tree of Python 2.4b2 and in Lib/bsddb/test 
> I found a lot of interesting stuff. It seems that the support for the bsd
> database is much better than documented in the standard library
> There are tests for locking, transactions, join, etc.
> Is there some documentation anywhere? 
> I could infer what I need from the tests but maybe there is already
> some nice article on the net explaining everything I want to know and more
> ;-) OTOH, I do not find Python-centric documentation in the sleepycat web 
> site.
>            Michele Simionato

The bsddb3 package has become part of the standard library as of 2.3, I 
believe. The docs for this "full blown" bsddb package are not (yet) part 
of Python docs, but off-site on

Slightly OT, but maybe of interest, is that the Python bsddb package 
allows you to use the full power of BerkeleyDB even if you decide to 
make your projects closed-source - should you have any licensing doubts.

Kind regards,

Vincent Wehren

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