Combine two dictionaries into a list of 3-tuples

Nickolay Kolev nmkolev at
Wed Nov 10 16:08:58 EST 2004

Hi all,

Continuing the search for interesting challenges with lists, tuples and 
dictionaries I am looking for a way to do the following.

one = {
         'a' : 1,
         'b' : 2,
         'c' : 3

two = {
         'a' : [4,5,6],
         'b' : [8,9,10],
         'c' : [11,12,13]

The goal is

[('a', 1, [4,5,6]), ('b', 2, [8,9,10]), ('c', 3, [11,12,13])]

My attempts so far:

[(t, c, l) for t, c in one.items() if (t, l) in two.items()]

gives me a 'l is not defined'


[(t, c, l) for t, c in one.items() for (t, l) in two.items()]

gives me a lot more than I need :-)


Many thanks in advance!

   -- Nickolay

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