Prothon gets Major Facelift in Vers 0.1.0 [Prothon]

Greg Ewing greg at
Mon May 24 01:30:03 EDT 2004

Mark Hahn wrote:
> BTW: The 0.008 MB you are talking about either does nothing useful or is
> just calling windows high-level routines.  I assume maybe you are
> exaggerating?

I think it depends on what you mean by "useful". I imagine
you could fit a lot of quite useful functionality into that
much code, as long as you didn't require it to have a fancy
GUI interface, etc.

Heck, 8-bit micros used to fit an entire operating system
and BASIC interpreter into 8-16KB or so...

Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept,
University of Canterbury,	
Christchurch, New Zealand

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