where is Python Tools/scripts directory?

Skip Montanaro skip at pobox.com
Sat May 15 12:17:17 EDT 2004

    Michele> Is there a simple way to get the path to the Python
    Michele> Tools/scripts directory?  Currently I have defined by hand an
    Michele> environment variable such as

    Michele> PYTHONSCRIPTS=/home/myhome/packages/Python-2.3.3/Tools/scripts

    Michele> so I can alias the more useful scripts in my .bashrc (for
    Michele> instance alias dutree=$PYTHONSCRIPTS/dutree.py), but this
    Michele> approach is PITA, I have to change the variable each time I
    Michele> change machine and at each new Python version. Is there a
    Michele> better way?

I'm not aware of a better way short of identifying those scripts of interest
and modifying setup.py to install them in $PREFIX/bin.  In setup.py search
for "Tools/scripts" and modify the list.  Feel free to submit a patch to SF
if you think those scripts would be of broader interest and ought to be
installed by default.


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