Path ... where is my application's home dir?

JanC usenet_spam at janc.invalid
Sun May 2 22:10:04 EDT 2004

"Roger Binns" <rogerb at> schreef:

> You can compare with Google where you can see their worldwide figures
> for March:
> They have 22% for Windows 98, which seems to take proportionally
> from the figures in my stats.

At least, they are pretty close to my guess...  :-)

> Of course we don't know what percentage of people configure their
> browsers to lie.

- what percentage of people have a PC and no internet access...
- what percentage have a PC & internet at work but aren't allowed to use it 
  for visiting your site (or other non-work-related sites).
- etc.


"Be strict when sending and tolerant when receiving."
RFC 1958 - Architectural Principles of the Internet - section 3.9

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