Dr. Dobb's Python-URL! - weekly Python news and links (May 3)

Andrew Wilkinson ajw140NO at SPAM.york.ac.uk
Mon May 3 19:10:36 EDT 2004

Cameron Laird wrote:
>     PyLinda makes distributed computing pretty (but slow--slower than
>     technically required?)
> http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~aw/pylinda

I'm glad you think it's pretty! It might be slow at the moment but it'll get
faster. I'd rather it worked and was slow, than was broken and fast :-)

I certainly know that my Mandelbrot fractal generator is horrendously
slow... but it does get quicker the more computers you add, which is a

If anyone out there has taken a look at it and has any suggestions then I'm
all ears. I'm currently trying to think of a good way to profile it for
bottle necks.


(PyLinda 0.2 can be found at http://www-users.cs.york.ac.uk/~aw/pylinda)

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