Python CSV DictWriter Problems

Gabriel Cooper gabriel.cooper at
Mon May 3 17:37:13 EDT 2004

Skip Montanaro wrote:

>    Gabriel> Is there a known-bug in csv.DictWriter? It is ignoring my
>    Gabriel> attempts to specify a Dialect. It doesn't even error if you
>    Gabriel> give it anything invalid. I can send it the registered
>    Gabriel> string-name of the dialect, a string of gibberish, a dialect
>    Gabriel> object instance, a dialect class object... it accepts all and
>    Gabriel> ignores all.
>Fixed in CVS I believe.  I will check when I get a chance (there doesn't
>seem to be a test case for this), but you might try grabbing the DictWriter
>class from the that's in CVS.
Bah, it turns out I was a goofball. I forgot that there were two 
parameters between the last required param and the dialact parameter.

Basically the function definition looks like this:

*DictWriter*(csvfile, fieldnames[, restval=""[, extrasaction=|'raise'|[, 
dialect=|'excel'|[, fmtparam]]]])

and I did this:

x = DictWriter(file, fields, dialect)

when I actually had to do either:

x = DictWriter(file, fields, None, None, dialect)


x = DictWriter(file, fields, dialect=dialect)

Whoops. I ignored the two parameters 'restval' and 'extrasaction'.
The worst part is how much time I spent looking at that and simply 
didn't see it. Tsk Tsk.

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