Multimedia extensions Framework

Dmitry Borisov jbors at
Sun May 23 13:49:42 EDT 2004

Just wanted to get some feedback and ideas/help for a complete multimedia Framework for Python. It is in development phase now and the goal for it is to make the mutlimedia a snap with Python. 
    It shall be fairly easy to write in Python a DVD player, USB camera mp4 capture or video/audio editing software. 
    It shall be portable and small.
    It shall be fast and reliable.
    It shall be simply expandable.
At this time I focus in these areas:
    1. Audio processing( encoding/decoding/posprocessing/analysing )
    2. Video processing( encoding/decoding/posprocessing/analysing )
    3. Direct multimedia devices access. DVD/CD-ROMs, PCI Soundcards
    4. USB drivers in Python for universal architecture across the platforms. You write a driver just once, then just run it on a different platform...

Did I miss anything ?

At this time bullets 1-3 are implemented at 90%( ). Some functionality still in test, some still needs to be written. Bullet 4 is completelly at the design stage and that's where I want your feedback and thoughts.

>From my prospective I want to be able to write drivers for USB devices in Python. It may include:
    - usb storages
    - usb camcorders
    - usb tv cards
    - usb sound cards
    - usb FM/XM receivers
    - etc.
The architecture would be very similar to jUSB ( ) with some Python specific changes. Also it will work on all platforms supported by pymedia( Windows/Linux as of now ). 

If anyone has any experience with doing USB specific bindings in Python or want to participate or give feedback, I would be more than happy to hear from you. 

Thank you,

PS: I want to apologies for OT if any, but didn't really found any SIGs for that.
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