What I don't like about wxPython

Ryan Paul segphault at sbcglobal.net
Mon May 10 06:59:57 EDT 2004

On Sat, 08 May 2004 17:08:59 -0700, Paul Rubin wrote:

> If wxPython really depends on Windows, that's a huge obstacle for
> those wanting a portable system.  If it doesn't literally depend on
> Windows, but uses Windows-centric interfaces and approaches, that's
> still pretty annoying for non-Windows developers.

now i'm curious. are there ANY gui toolkits that arent blatantly
windows-centric? Personally, I HATE the windows user interface paradigm,
but it seems to be pretty much ubiquitous regardless of your operating
system. GTK, Photon, Aqua, QT, Swing, VCL... all of them have toolbars,
menus, checkboxes, etc. They are all just variation on a theme, so to
speak. If you know of a command oriented graphical interface, i'd love to
hear about it. ;-)

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