book on wxPython?

F. GEIGER fgeiger at
Sat May 15 02:56:06 EDT 2004

Mark Hammond's book "Python Programming on Win32" helped me a lot in
entering wxWindows (oops, sorry, wxWidgets of course) programming. A 2nd
source of "no, how?" I can recommend is the wxPython Wiki with a few
essential recipies. And the wxWidget help coming with wxPython is a good
resource a soon as you were able to get started.


"Grant Edwards" <grante at> schrieb im Newsbeitrag
news:slrncab3p3.ou5.grante at
> Can anybody recommend a good book on wxPython?  Are there any
> books on wxPython?
> I've been trying to learn wxPython and/or wax for a few weeks,
> and I'm just not getting it.  [I wrote and shipped one small
> wxPython app a couple years ago, and it was a cut/paste, trial
> and error sort of exercise.]
> wxWindows seems to be more low-level than the other GUI
> toolkits I've used (Tk, GTK, and Trestle[1]), and there are all
> sorts exposed details in wxWindows/wxPython that I find weird.
> For example, I'm still confused about how to tell what the
> "parent" of a widget should be.  When you put a StaticBox in a
> Panel, the Panel is the parent of the StaticBox.  When you put
> SomeOtherWidget in the StaticBox, why is the parent of
> SomeOtherWidget the Panel and not the StaticBox?
> And what about sizers?  They seem to be a sort of parallel,
> phantom tree of widgets that's stuck on the side of the real
> tree of widgets, while other GUI toolkits treat layout widgets
> (grids, hboxes, vboxes, etc) as a "first-class" widgets that
> reside in the same tree as the widgets that actually draw
> stuff.
> Anyway, I'd really love to find a good book on wxPython. I'm
> still working through wxPython tutorials, and I've read through
> some of the wxWindows ones (which are of limited value for
> somebody steadfastly determined to remain clueless about C++).
> I'm also still reading stuff on, but Wikis
> always seem so fragmented...
> [1] I still think the hbox/vbox/glue abstraction used by
>     Trestle was one of the easiest to use.  Probably because
>     I've been using TeX and LaTeX for 25 years.
> --
> Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  How do I get
>                                   at

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