Python Documentation Blows!

francois lepoutre franck.lepoutre at
Wed Mar 31 02:50:29 EST 2004

>  ... wxPython still is horribly documented. Documentation of
> the C version of something is really not very friendly especially to new
> Python programmers. I for one would be glad to buy a book about wxPython
> if someone a lot more experienced than myself cared to write such a
> book. I do know C but I still find working from the wxWindows docs
> frustrating with a lot of trial and error required.

As was mentioned in a recent thread python is definitively
the tool for applications with complex code and no or little UI.
For UI-intense apps, win32 C# and delphi are still hard to beat

Possibly a smart (and not necessarily big) wxpython book
could prove a decisive argument for wxpython and python
as well specifically for the "MS visual *" and delphi user

Is it time for the python community to commit a bit
more to the wxwidgets/wxpython environment?
I feel so


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