
Cameron Laird claird at
Tue Mar 16 17:24:21 EST 2004

In article <mailman.43.1079467270.742.python-list at>,
Stewart Midwinter  <stewart at> wrote:
>I've been studying Tkinter with an eye to using it to protoype new GUI ideas 
>for a commercial application we have written in Java (and for my own 
>enjoyment, of course!).  My thought is that we could show customers several 
>variations on new displays that would take less time to develop in Python than 
>just one new display would in Java.   We already use Python for client-server 
>communications and a number of other functions, so it's logical to extend its 
>use in this way.  (I even wonder whether it might be a good idea to actually 
>replace the Java, but that's a topic for another day...). 
>I've got a basic GUI set up that opens desired windows, etc.  But I'm at a 
>point where I need functionality. For example, I need to be able to fetch 
>information from a server and display it in real time in a Tkinter widget.  
>And this is where I hit a roadbloack: the Tkinter documentation I've read so 
>far (Fredrik Lundh's on-line guide, the book, and some others) talk 
>exclusively about how to draw widgets, not how to *use* widgets. 
>If the proposed list / wiki addresses those needs, it will certainly be useful 
>to *me*, and probably to many others. 
>Maybe it will even spur some renewed interest in expanding or extending the 
>widget set.
I'm all in favor of Tkinter as a vehicle for trying out ideas;
I certainly do it myself.  For your situation, have you considered
Jython?  My bet is that would give you a comparable boost in pro-

Back to Tkinter:  are you familiar with textvariables?  How do you
access realtime database contents when you are NOT using Tkinter?

Cameron Laird <claird at>

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