[Fwd: Re: examples of doing syadmin activities as a web app]

Michael mogmios at mlug.missouri.edu
Sun Mar 28 18:48:54 EST 2004

>    Michael> The main thing I've thought of doing is creating an XML-RPC
>    Michael> based solution for admin'ing boxes. 
>Unless you had an SSL (read: "secure") solution for doing XML-RPC this would
>probably be a bad idea. From a standard API standpoint I agree it would
>open up the user interface possibilities quite nicely.
It's easy enough to use Apache w/ SSL + Mod_Python to implement the 
XML-RPC server. I don't know if Python has a way to access an SSL 
wrapped XML-RPC server? Don't imagine it'd be to hard to implement 
though. I just haven't had a reason to need to since thus far all my 
XML-RPC apps don't need to be secure or are inside a secure network.

Might be worth the effort of implementing?

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