Python for large projects

Roger Binns rogerb at
Fri Mar 26 14:38:31 EST 2004

> (a) In compiled language like C++, changing function prototypes and
> variable names is comfortable, because the compiler will find all
> those spots that you need to change.

It won't catch some stuff such as where a prototype changes from
pass by value to pass by reference (or vice versa), or if another
operator or explicit conversion is available.  [That is true
of many languages, but C++ gives the impression it has this
rigid type checking system that avoids errors if the code compiles]

In reality I find the best approach is to use multiple languages.
You can code components in C++ and glue them together using
Swig and Python.  You can make multiple binaries and execute
them telling them where to send their output, or use a pipe.
That kind of thing also makes it easier dealing with issues
in the field.  For example you can send the customer a different
binary (that has the same interface) or the debugging version
of a DLL/so etc.

At the end of the day, use the best tool for the job, and
don't use any that preclude you from using others at the
same time as well.


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