Gtk / pyGtk: How to remove the close button at the top right corner of the dialog window?

Ken Godee ken at
Fri Mar 26 10:12:51 EST 2004

ahk wrote:
> As subject. TIA.

As far as I know this is controlled by the window

ie. in "icewm" you can change your preference file
to include / exclude any of the buttons in the title
bar that you want to.

I'm guessing you want to do this because of the
state that's left in your program if someone
closes it using the "X" instead of a close button?

I don't know about pyGtk but in PyQt you have
a "Close Event" signal that allows you to process
what ever you want when a user closes a window, how ever
the window is closed. PyQt also has a signal that's
emmitted from the main app window called "aboutToQuit"
which will close all open windows, thus processing your
close events for each window.

This would be the type of thing to look for in pyGtk.

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