GUI Frameworks in Python?

Peter Maas fpetermaas at
Wed Mar 31 03:56:58 EST 2004

Josiah Carlson wrote:
>> I was watching system performance simultaneously and noticed a
>> decrease of free RAM memory by ~ 10 MB on starting and the same
>> increase on stopping. But the dlls - once loaded - apparently
>> are kept in RAM.
> That is what Windows does.  Using an oft used cliche in a different 
> realm that always made me laugh, "Don't hate the player, hate the game". 
>  In this case, the player is wxPython, the game is 'running on Windows'.

After stopping the wxpython app Windows reports its memory share as
free, i.e. usable for other applications. If the same application
is reloaded and its binary stuff is not yet overwritten it is reused.
That's a good thing IMO, not a flaw. It would be nice though to
configure this behaviour, e.g. for testing. Perhaps there's a
registry spell in one of the numerous guru books for Win* but my
interest doesn't go this far.

Mit freundlichen Gruessen,

Peter Maas

Peter Maas, M+R Infosysteme, D-52070 Aachen, Hubert-Wienen-Str. 24
Tel +49-241-93878-0 Fax +49-241-93878-20 eMail peter.maas at

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