Extending Python Syntax with @

Christopher Koppler klapotec at chello.at
Thu Mar 11 04:00:44 EST 2004

David MacQuigg wrote, amongst other things:

> electronic design engineer for many years.  I never heard of lambda's
> or lambda calculus until learning Python, and the name still doesn't
> evoke much meaning for me.  I've never used APL, J, or Perl.  I wonder
> how many technical professionals who are *not* programmers would know
> what a lambda is?  I wonder if Python is becoming more a language for
> programmers, and less for "everyone".

To program, everyone eventually will have to be a programmer. Powerful
programming languages offer concepts that aren't always easy to grasp,
but in order to use them, some kind of understanding will have to
happen. Mostly it's easier if you learn them using Python, or after
your 3rd or 4th not too similar language...


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