OT(Slightly): Thanks to Python.

Jacek Generowicz jacek.generowicz at cern.ch
Mon Mar 8 04:24:13 EST 2004

JanC <usenet_spam at janc.invalid> writes:

> Jacek Generowicz <jacek.generowicz at cern.ch> schreef:
> > * (defmethod foo ((x integer))
> > * (defmethod foo ((x string))
> > The ANSI standard for the _dynamically typed_ language shown above,
> Maybe someone can explain,

Sure ...

> but the above doesn't look like "dynamic typing" to me...?

In order to preserve us from a long thread full of irrelevancies,
maybe I should first ask you to tell me what _you_ mean by dynamic

However, I'll take the plunge ...

My definition of dynamic typing can be summarized as follows: "Objects
know their own type. Variables do not have a type."

So, let's try the following code

  (defmethod foo (x)
    (format t "~&~s has some type or other." x))
  (defmethod foo ((x integer))
    (format t "~&~s is an integer." x))
  (defmethod foo ((x string))
    (format t "~&~s is a string." x))
  (loop for item in (list 1
  			  (list 1 2)
        do (foo item))

And we get the output:

  1 is an integer.
  "hmm" is a string.
  (1 2) has some type or other.
  #<EQL hash table, 0 entries {4819DEFD}> has some type or other.
  #() has some type or other.

- Note that item (a variable) is undeclared; nowherere do you specify
  it's type. (That doesn't mean that it's dynamically typed though -
  see implicitly statically typed languages such as ML, for

- Note that item is bound to objects of completely different types
  (integer, string, list, hash-table and array, in this case) at
  different times. (This _does_ mean that it's dynamically typed.)

Perhaps you thought that it doesn't look like dynamic typing because
of superficial similarities with C++ method overloading:

void foo(std::string x) {
  std::cout << x << " has type string." << std::endl;

void foo(int x) {
  std::cout << x << " has type int." << std::endl;

The important difference is that C++ does this "dispatch" at _compile
time_, and in order to do it, you must tell the compiler, in the
source code, a priori, the type with which you will be calling the
function, by providing a type declaration of the variable which you
will be passing to the function.

For example:

int i; // I'm telling the compiler that i will always be an int
foo(i) // The compiler decides (at compile-time) which version of foo
       // will be called (at run-time), on the basis of the type
       // I gave above.

i = "hello" // Error, I promised the compiler that i would always be
            // an int and now I'm breaking my promise.

Contrast this to our mystery language:

(let ((i 2)) ; No type declaration
  (foo i) ; Dispatch done at runtime
  (setq i "hello") ; Variable rbound to object of different type
  (foo i)) ; Another runtime dispatch, different method called

Does this help ?

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