wxAssertFailure (tbar95.cpp(582))

David Bolen db3l at fitlinxx.com
Mon Jun 7 17:54:49 EDT 2004

"AnToine van Maarle" <antoine at vanmaarle.nl> writes:

> This message we get at some winXP machine's after installing the setup.exe
> of our compiled CRM program (for free license
> http://www.alexion.nl/pynx/registrationalexion.html). We use McMillan and
> Inno Setup 4.
> Why is xwPython making such a fuss?
> File "bin\buildstdapp\out1.pyz/wxPython.stattool", line 227, in Realize
> wxPython.wxc.wxPyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed in
> e:\Projects\wx2.4\src\msw\tbar95.cpp(582): invalid tool button bitmap
> RC: -1 from main

It's hard to say just from this traceback, but is it possible that
you're not properly packaging up your bitmap file along with the other
parts of your system, and then your code is passing along an incorrect
reference of some sort to wxPython?  How does your code currently
handle not finding the bitmap it expects for the toolbar?

If you are sure that your bitmap is available at runtime properly, I'd
probably recommend getting some print statements into your code right
around where it uses the bitmap to ensure that you are in fact passing
the right thing into the wxPython layer.

-- David

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