wxAssertFailure (tbar95.cpp(582))

AnToine van Maarle antoine at vanmaarle.nl
Fri Jun 4 12:52:41 EDT 2004


This message we get at some winXP machine's after installing the setup.exe
of our compiled CRM program (for free license
http://www.alexion.nl/pynx/registrationalexion.html). We use McMillan and
Inno Setup 4.
Why is xwPython making such a fuss?

C:\Program Files\Alexion Software\Relation Manager\program>arm.exe
Extracting binaries
C:\Program Files\Alexion Software\Relation Manager\program\python23.dll
Manipulating evironment
PYTHONPATH=C:/Program Files/Alexion Software/Relation Manager/program
importing modules from CArchive
Installing import hooks
Running scripts
bin\buildstdapp\out1.pyz/fcntl:7: DeprecationWarning: the FCNTL module is
deprecated; please use fcntl
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 90, in ?
File "bin\buildstdapp\out1.pyz/wxPython.wx", line 1957, in __init__
File "<string>", line 66, in OnInit
File "bin\buildstdapp\out1.pyz/pynx.gui.frame", line 97, in __init__
File "bin\buildstdapp\out1.pyz/wxPython.stattool", line 227, in Realize
wxPython.wxc.wxPyAssertionError: C++ assertion "wxAssertFailure" failed in
e:\Projects\wx2.4\src\msw\tbar95.cpp(582): invalid tool button bitmap
RC: -1 from main
09:06:53: Debug: e:\Projects\wx2.4\src\msw\app.cpp(407):
'UnregisterClass(MDI parent)' failed with error 0x00000584 (de klasse heeft
nog geopende vensters.).

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