Python reference

Reiner Block reiner.block at
Fri Jun 4 06:09:24 EDT 2004

> btw... looking at your resumé, I find it quite hard to believe you've never
> had to call exec*() in another language before... ;) Calling exec() in C
> takes the same arguments, first argument: program name, and then the rest...

Of course I did but if I right remember e.g. DosExec, WinExec and WinExecN (I
hope I remember the functions names in a right way ;-) ) don't needed the
process name a second time, isn't it?

> Anyway, hope this clears things up!

Yes, it does. :-)

> Oh, and I just wanted to say that I find the Python documentation fantastic
> as it is! I don't want to have another PHP-newbie like
> spelling-out-every-detail-but-don't-find-what-you're-looking-for kind of
> documentation, but just as Python applauds to every programmers common sense,
> so should the documentation... And if there's any doubt, looking up man 2
> exec should've gotten you there too...
Perhaps a few more examples. You know: Sometimes it is a small detail that you
forgot and you are searching, and searching, and searching... ;-) 

E.g. at the moment I'm working on capisuite for Linux and want to change and
enhance many things. One is the sending of emails with a fax or voice as an
attachment because at the moment it is just a call of sendmail. But I've no
sendmail and I CAN NOT install it. So I have to see how to take the
email.MIME... and send it by the SMTP module. :-) 

But first I've to see how to get eric3 again running. Because I installed the
current snapshot but it has a problem inside the and There are many changes in comparision to version 3.4.2. And
3.4.2 crashes wenn I called Run the script. :-( 

Searching greetings

"Was immer du tun kannst oder erträumst zu können, beginne es jetzt."
von: Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749-1832)

Reiner Block

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