How to get process info from python

Gardner Pomper gardner at
Tue Jun 8 20:03:16 EDT 2004


AIX does not seem to support the -o format syntax. What I am using is
"ps -lf" which seems to give me as much information as possible. I also,
optionally, add "-u user" if I need to get all the information for a user,
instead of just for the current tty process tree.

Currently, all I am using is the cmd line, but since there doesn't seem to
be any other way to get the memory information for the process from python,
I will need to start using the SZ column. Here is what I have so far
(hopefully 129 lines of code is not too much to post in the group. If it is,
I apologize)

#!/usr/bin/env python
import string
import commands
import emea
from optparse import OptionParser
class ProcessStatus :
    def __init__(self,header,status):
        self.uid = '' = ''
        self.ppid = ''
        self.priority = ''
        self.nice = ''
        self.size = ''
        self.start = ''
        self.time = ''
        self.cmd = ''
        headings = header.split()
        #	-----	find the char position of the WCHAN, STIME
        #	-----	TTY and CMD headings
        wchan_pos = string.index(header,'WCHAN')
        stime_pos = string.index(header,'STIME')
        tty_pos = string.index(header,'TTY')
        cmd_pos = string.index(header,'CMD',stime_pos)
        #	-----	cut the status line before WCHAN because
        #       -----   that is often blank
        n = string.rindex(status,' ',0,wchan_pos)
        status1 = status[:n-1]
        fields = status1.split()

        if string.find(status,'<defunct>') < 0 :
            #	-----	the stime is all the chars between
            #       -----   STIME and TTY
            x = string.rindex(status,' ',0,stime_pos)
            y = string.rindex(status,' ',stime_pos,tty_pos)
            sTime = string.strip(status[x:y])
            fields.append( sTime)
            #	-----	the TTY and TIME fields are all the chars
            #       -----   between TTY and CMD
            max_pos = cmd_pos + 5
            if max_pos > len(status)-1 :
                max_pos = len(status) - 1
            m = string.rindex(status,':',tty_pos,max_pos)
            n = string.index(status,' ',m)
            status2 = status[y+1:n].strip()
            #	-----	CMD is the rest of the line
            status3 = status[n:].strip()

        try :
            for h,y in map(None,headings,fields) :
                if h == 'UID' :
                    self.uid = y
                elif h == 'PID' :
           = y
                elif h == 'PPID' :
                    self.ppid = y
                elif h == 'PRI' :
                    self.priority = y
                elif h == 'NI':
                    self.nice = y
                elif h == 'SZ' :
                    self.size = y
                elif h == 'STIME' :
                    self.start = y
                elif h == 'TIME' :
                    self.time = y
                elif h == 'CMD' :
                    if string.find(status,'<defunct>') >= 0 :
                        self.cmd = '<defunct>'
                        self.cmd = y

        except Exception, error :
            logger = emea.get_logger()
            raise Exception(error)

    def __str__(self) :
        return "UID %s PID %s PPID %s PRI %s NI %s SZ %s STIME %s TIME %s
CMD %s" \

def ps(user=None) :
    options = ''
    if user == 'all' :
        options += ' -e'
    elif user != None :
        options += ' -u ' + user
    cmd = 'ps -lf ' + options
    ps_result = commands.getoutput(cmd)
    lines = ps_result.splitlines()
    psList = []
    for l in lines[1:] :
    return psList
#	-----
if __name__ == "__main__" :
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option("", "--user",action="store",dest="user",
                      help="user to do ps for")
                      default="emea_auto.log",help="name of log file")
                      help="verbose mode (for debugging)")
    (options,args) = parser.parse_args()
    # ----- define logging
    psList = ps(options.user)
    for p in psList:
        print p

> -----Original Message-----
> From: at
> [ at]On Behalf
> Of Nick Vargish
> Sent: Tuesday, June 08, 2004 10:52 AM
> To: python-list at
> Subject: Re: How to get process info from python
> "Gardner Pomper" <gardner at> writes:
> > On a related issue, I was very surprise to see that
> os.loadavg() had been
> > added in version 2.3. This seems just as OS specific as the ps
> functionality
> > I want, so that raised my hopes.
> Gardner,
> I've had to work with process data in the past, and you're right, a
> module to handle accessing ps data would be quite useful. Just for
> fun, I've started writing something to help. All the systems that I
> use "ps" on support a "-o format" for extracting specific information,
> is this option supported on AIX?[*]
> What sort of information do you need from ps? I'll try to work it into
> the module's functionality.
> I can't promise when it will be ready, but you seem to be rolling your
> own solution anyway.
> Nick
> [*] Linux, OS X, and Tru64 (nee DEC Unix nee OSF/1). I don't have
>     access to an AIX system right now.
> --
> #  sigmask  ||  0.2  ||  20030107  ||  public domain  ||  feed
> this to a python
> print reduce(lambda x,y:x+chr(ord(y)-1),'
> Ojdl!Wbshjti!=obwAcboefstobudi/psh?')
> --

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