OT: Cryptography puzzle

fishboy fishboy at spamspamspam.com
Wed Jun 2 08:11:34 EDT 2004

On Tue, 01 Jun 2004 11:39:47 GMT, Timo Virkkala <a at a.invalid> wrote:

>I was looking through my old emails, and ran across this in a signature:
>----------------------->             <---------------------------
>When cryptography becomes illegal, jkdf ertjgdd wer k opogl ssfd!
>Curious as I was, I wanted to decrypt the end. At first I thought that it 
>was ROT-13, and tried that. Nope. Then I saw the lone "k" in the middle, and 
>thought that it must be "a", so I tried ROT-16. Wrong again. I also tried 
>all other rotations, from 1 to 26, to no avail. Does anyone have any ideas 
>what to try next?
>I also included the arrows, which began the signature, since I thought they 
>might be significant in some way...

Well, it's an anagram for 'lord dog jet fwd jerk pkg'

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