Can you make this faster?

alejandro david weil aweil at
Mon Jun 28 16:37:23 EDT 2004

On Mon June 28 2004 16:51, Andrea Griffini wrote:
> After making a few experiments I found this faster...
> def fmtstring5(args,
>         t = _type(arg)
>         if t is _str:
>             l = _len(arg)
>             fmt = fmt + _str(_len(arg)) + 's'
>         elif t is _int:
>         else:
>             raise Exception("Can't pack argument of type %s!" % t)
>     return fmt+'\0'

> PS: I'm new to python, and found its speed interesting and
>     more than adequate for many uses... It's however kind
>     of depressing seeing that so much dinamicity is "wasted"
>     in places where it's not needed (e.g. when calling "len"
>     or "str"). This version was running on the examples I
>     tested about twice the speed of the original version.

It seems that no one has read my last post :-)

You can replace str() with an array access for many of the strings as you want..
let's say..

slen = []
for i in xrange(256):

And then, in your function:

def mystrbla..():
		fmt += slen[_len(arg)] + 's'
		fmt += str(_len(arg)) + 's'
Please, try it! :-)


And, another improvment is add the 's' to the 
slen array :-) and..:

slen = []
for i in xrange(256):

def mystrbla..():
	l = _len(arg)
	if l <256:
		fmt += slen[l] + 's'
		fmt += str(l) + 's'

Unreaded greetings!
+ There is no dark side of the moon really. Matter of fact it's all dark.

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