SNMP Toolkit

Mike C. Fletcher mcfletch at
Thu Jun 24 20:25:31 EDT 2004

Les Smithson wrote:

>>>>>>"Matthew" == Matthew Bell <lights at> writes:

>    Matthew> I've tried PySNMP which, while a fine piece of code (I've
>    Matthew> learnt a lot looking through it!), it's fairly CPU
>    Matthew> intensive in my application.  I've also tried using
>    Matthew> UCDSNMP via popen() but that has a tendency to hang in a
>    Matthew> multi-threaded environment.

>SNMP agents/managers that
>I've worked on (admittedly not using Python) were always I/O bound,
>rather than CPU bound.
PySNMP is actually a *very* heavy library compared to C ASN.1 parsers.  
I've certainly run into situations where it's just not fast enough to do 
what we want to do.  Thing is, it's flexible and can be readily 
integrated with Twisted, so we still use it, even if it does mean it can 
take 10 minutes to scan a plant.  That's all processor-bound time, not 
IO bound.

Some day I'm going to try to squeeze some money out of the budget to 
spend a week on figuring out how to make PySNMP faster, but until then 
I'm afraid I just don't have a good suggestion for large SNMP querying 

Have fun,

  Mike C. Fletcher
  Designer, VR Plumber, Coder

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