distutils alternatives?

Lonnie Princehouse finite.automaton at gmail.com
Wed Jul 21 14:31:31 EDT 2004

> What do you mean by "launch installers"? Invoking "python setup.py 
> install" does not "launch" anything in the traditional sense.

The installers I refer to are the graphical Windows installers created
by bdist_wininst.   Can't really chain them together in a script
easily, since they're interactive.  I already have a nice install
script for *nix, but it requires a little more expertise on the user's
part (i.e. how to competently use a command line)

The packages aren't distributed as source on Windows, partially for
intellectual property reasons, but mostly because there are C
extensions and we can't assume Windows users have a compiler.  Before
I start writing my own installer gadget, I thought I should go fishing
on c.l.py to see if such a thing already existed =)

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