CGI database application

Thomas Guettler guettli at
Fri Jul 23 07:33:18 EDT 2004

Am Fri, 23 Jul 2004 02:19:13 -0700 schrieb Fuzzyman:

> A project I'm involved with needs to keep a database of information -
> for an information desk. This would be a list of outside agencies,
> with contact details etc, and cross referenced by 'subject'.
> It would also be kept as a paper database.
> The database would need to be accessed through the network - so a CGI
> application running on the server is an obvious choice - but the load
> won't be heavy.
> Now I can write a simple database application that will could run on
> the server (I'm most of the way through writing one for work) - and
> that would enable the information to be stored as simple text files -
> so the person compiling the database could start it now.


You can use quixote. It maps an HTTP-Request to a method-call.
If the load is low, just use CGI (not SCGI)

If no other application is accessing the database,
you can store them as pickles (serialized python objects)

But sure to use some locking if you write to the database.


Thomas Güttler,

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